
Corporate social responsibility

As a business entity following CSR is our duty and since our activities are related to supplying food commodities for humans and animals and machinery, we feel burdened to comply with CSR policies and regulations. We realized with time that CSR policies provide us with a transparent image before our stakeholders, which facilitates our business even further.

By increasing trust between all stakeholders of our company, we can move forward. Generally, CSR issues lie within responsibility toward the environment and society, green sustainability, ethical practice, human right practice and workplace balance, etc.

We wish to.

  • Provide our buyers with the right value that helps them to achieve their business goals
  • Deny incorporating environmental pollution, violation of human rights at the workplace, lack of working facility and harming the environment
  • We encourage an eco-friendly business model and green sustainable development

CSR policies

Our CSR policies are set on the following issues-

  • Eco-efficient
  • Quality product
  • Stakeholders (Supplier & buyers) engagement
  • Ethical practice in business

Our set of CSR policies is being set to mitigate corporate hazards and downfalls. CSR policies ensure sound working experience and business, better relations between stakeholders and a better future to sustain in long run.


We hire hard-working people who have the quality of mental dedication and positive willpower towards their work responsibility and workplace.

We provide a working place with adequate risk management and support that ensures a human working environment, like the adequate passage of light, air, humidity, heat resistance, ergonomic working tools and furniture, and an updated workplace. By keeping in mind the safety issues of the workers we have ensured necessary security amenities like emergency exit, fire and heat preventive measures and tools, alarms and hydrants, CCTV and security guards, etc.

Labour practices

We support our workers with required training, knowledge, and an environment that is learning-friendly at the initial level so they can learn and prosper as an individual and become an asset to the company.

Human rights

We are aware of the human rights policies and rules to abide by the laws,

  • Right to equality in terms of payment, training and working facilities of any gender, sex, race, nationality and ethnicity.
  • No discrimination towards physically challenged deserving workers in the hiring process and paying wages.
  • Provide maternity rights for both gender as per the labor rules
  • Provide security against sexual harassment in working place and female rights
  • Right of choosing work according to the physical and mental condition


Our employees are our strength and glory, without them we are like a brainless body. We believe in freedom of work, sharing thoughts and judgment can take a long way as a corporate entity.

Only happy employees can take a company to the extent that a company can not imagine going alone.

We respect employee privacy, a better workplace and better work culture that looks after our employees' mental health positively.

Health and safety

As a corporate body, we cannot deny the matter of the well-being and security of our workers’ and employees’ health. We have introduced a state-of-the-art working environment and routine health check-ups for employees & workers to make sure that they stay healthy and safe while working with us.


It is our responsibility to supply the right quality and quantity of commodities and products as we have committed. For that reason, when we receive the delivery or confirm the deliveries on behalf of our suppliers, we go through a proper quality control process and confirm the certification of standards is met.


We do not supply any commodity or feed that does not comply with the food and feed certification standard or is equivalent to the buyer's nation’s food and feed certification standard.

In short, our commodities are guaranteed to be of good quality, buyers can rely on the quality of our products and service delivered.


Our suppliers are the core manufacturers, producers, growers, investors and organizers that ensure product quality is better than sourced via third parties.

Once we bond with a supplier in terms of good negotiations, better business and support, we tend to keep them on the hook forever. We like to nurture and patronage our suppliers in need also.

We believe that we can fly higher when our suppliers are treated well and being benefited in the right way.


Our employees are our strength and glory, without them we are like a brainless body. We believe in freedom of work, sharing thoughts and judgment can take a long way as a corporate entity.

Only happy employees can take a company to the extent that a company can not imagine going alone.

We respect employee privacy, a better workplace and better work culture that looks after our employees' mental health positively.

Health and safety

As a corporate body, we cannot deny the matter of the well-being and security of our workers’ and employees’ health. We have introduced a state-of-the-art working environment and routine health check-ups for employees & workers to make sure that they stay healthy and safe while working with us.


A business entity is directly or indirectly a great influence on societal changes and lives around it. Things we take in as our social responsibility

  • To contribute to the social and live standard of labor and workers
  • Contributing to education, nutritional food consumption and health security of employees and their families
  • Complying with the laws and regulations implied by the government authorities of our domestic nation as well the nation of our buyers and suppliers
  • Serving a better lifestyle for our employers

Our set of CSR policies is being set to mitigate corporate hazards and downfalls. CSR policies ensure sound working experience and business, better relations between stakeholders and a better future to sustain in long run.


We have taken an oath to take environmental sustainability seriously and as a business at the same time that can be a dependable source of the commodity for our clients.

Our role in sustainability:

To ensure environmental sustainability we become considerate towards -

  • Preventing and mitigating the consequences of accidental releases
  • Reducing air emissions
  • Conserving and protecting water and biodiversity
  • Managing waste and wastewater
  • Conserving energy
  • Retiring idle assets and reclaiming sites with residual environmental impacts

Our products are the source of many lives. Life is the most important thing on this earth. We aim to deliver safe and quality food and feed products for our buyers.


In the process of doing business, the several environmental effects and outcomes can’t be denied.

Less natural resources consumption

To act as a green-friendly company, we are aware of minimum use of natural resources like water, gasoline and other energies.

Waste management

We take care of our waste management in a systematic way that ends up being biofuel and the rest of the useful wastes are dumped in the destined zone that can’t harm our environment.

CO2 footprint

By tracking carbon footprint we are trying to minimize the rate in the coming years. It is quite tough to get the desired result in a shot but to look after ourselves we are responsible

Taking care of environmental pollution

By following updated inventory management, waste management, raw material processing, and systematic and scientifically proven maintenance of perishable and nonperishable goods and commodities, we are doing our best to stop causing environmental pollution from our end.

Preventing and controlling pollution

To prevent or alleviate pollution we continuously improve maintenance, training, inventory control and housekeeping – and change product designs, substitute raw materials, and modify equipment to achieve reductions.